Graduation Requirements

Application Deadlines

You should apply for graduation when (all points must be met)

  • You’ve earned at least 85 semester units
  • Are two semesters away from the semester in which you wish to graduate
  • Are in good academic standing (not disqualified status from the university)

Official application deadlines are given on the registrar’s website.

  • To receive two semesters of priority registration, deadlines typically around mid-March for graduation the following spring. This is the deadline for the form to be through the department to the university. Please get your form to the department by mid-February.
  • To receive one semester of priority registration, university deadlines are typically on or near October 1, which means you should have it to the department by September 1.

If you apply after the deadline for one semester of priority registration, you *might* still be able to graduate on time, but you risk having your official graduation date delayed.

Checklist before applying to graduate

  • GE – Make sure you know for sure which GE’s you still need to complete. Engineering Student Success Center has drop-in hours for GE advising.

  • Transfer Credits – You need to make sure all credits you intend to transfer have been either correctly recorded on your MyProgress or approved via Transfer Equivalency Petition (TEP). Please note that it is normal for the approved TEP credits to not appear on your account until your graduation semester.
    Articulated courses: If your articulated course has been transferred under a different course number or as TRLD CRS, please email to request a correction to the course recording issue. Be sure to attach your transfer credit report and the articulation agreement.
    Non-articulated courses: If you transferred a major course from another university and it is not listed as equivalent on, you can attempt transferring the credits via the TEP process. If you are transferring a course from a school outside the US and have not gotten equivalency yet, please see an advisor in the ESSC (Engineering Student Success Center)

  • Minors and second majors – Ensure that your minor or second major is officially declared on MyProgress. This process is entirely managed by the home department of the minor. Adding a minor involves additional steps after you apply to graduate.