Industrial Collaborations with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 ME Department

Why Work with ME?

students & professor working on solar lab

菠菜网lol正规平台 is home to the largest engineering program in California, ranking 16th by the Wall Street Journal in the 2025 Best Colleges in the US. 菠菜网lol正规平台 educates competitive and dedicated students with diverse, practical skills to perform and lead in the numerous innovative companies in the Silicon Valley.

Pathways to Sponsorship

students working on a motion system

Path "A" - Corporate Partners Mentorship Program

Every student in the ME department must go through a year-long senior design project. The scope of a project must involve a product design with the following three components: Design, Prototyping, and Verification. We have two project cycles, which starts in either August or January.

Learn more about Path A!

group photo of Dr. Sharifi's student team

Path "B" - Sponsored Faculty-Led Research Projects

The department has 17 tenured or tenure-track full-time faculty with diverse scopes of research expertise. This path allows you to explore new research findings or innovations that can assist your business or new product development. The project may also involve UG/G student research assistants and postdoctoral researchers.

Learn more about Path B!


event attendees discussing


Sponsoring our projects helps employers establish recruitment pipelines. You'll get to know your future employees and participate in the education that will ultimately enable them to create innovative and competitive solutions in their future careers with you. 
graduated ME student


Well developed projects inspire students to stay in the field, contribute to STEM workforce training, and promote competition in US industry. In turn, this will enhance social upward mobility for the next generation of professionals and break vocational stereotypes that many of the minority groups that 菠菜网lol正规平台 serves encounter.
student working on circuitry


Working closely with ME students through sponsorship programs directly assists us with the goal to not only teach our students complex engineering concepts, but also to expertly apply those concepts in real-world contexts. This also helps us stay connected to the very best of industry and innovate our curriculum to ensure that students are fully equipped to enter the professional world.