WASC Review Steering Committee Membership
- Note: This information is for historical reference only. For a current list of AY 15-16 WASC Steering Committee Members go to this link http://nzpr.51rkb.com/wasc/about/steeringcommittee/[BROKEN LINK]
Anagnos, Thalia: Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering
Phone: 408-924-5190 Bldg/Room/Zip: ADM 161-0030
Email: tanagnos@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2444. -
Branz, Steve: Professor Chemistry
Phone: 408-924-4999 Bldg/Room/Zip: SCI 166-0101
Email: branz@jupiter.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-4945. -
Cooper, Robert: Associate Vice President Undergrad Studies
Office Phone: 408-924-2447 Bldg/Room/Zip: ADM 159 - 0030
Email: rocooper@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2444 -
Dewitz, Sandra: Associate Vice President Institutional Planning & Academic Resources
Phone: 408-924-2470 Bldg/Room/Zip: ADM 163-0023
Email: sdewitz@51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2469 -
Donoho, Miriam: Professor Marketing/Decision Sciences
Phone: 408-924-1346 Bldg/Room/Zip: BT 760-0069
Email: donoho@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-3445 -
Drabble, Laurie: Associate Professor, Social Work
Phone 408-924-5836, Bldg/Room/Zip: WSQ 215E - 0124,
Email: ldrabble@51rkb.com, Fax (408) 924-5892 -
Evans, Gail: Interim Associate Dean Undergrad Studies
Office Phone: 408-924-2447 Bldg/Room/Zip: ADM 159-0030
Email: gevans@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2444 -
Fimbel, Nancie: Assoc Dean, Academic & Undergrad Studies Business, College of
Phone: 408-924-3411 Bldg/Room/Zip: BT 950-0065
Email: fimbel_n@cob.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-3419. -
Gorney-Moreno, Mary: Jo Associate Vice President Academic Technology
Phone: 408-924-7405 Bldg/Room/Zip: IRC 208-0026
Email: mj.gorney-moreno@51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2657. -
Marota, Cindy: Director, Disability Resource Center
Phone: 408-924-6000, Bldg/Room/Zip: ADM 110-0168,
Email: cindy@drc.51rkb.com, Fax: 408-924-5999 -
Nellen, Annette: Professor Accounting & Finance
Phone: 408-924-3508 Bldg/Room/Zip: BT 955-0066
Email: anellen@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-3463. -
Novak, Mark: AVP/Dean International and Extended Studies
Phone: 408-924-2655 Bldg/Room/Zip: 210 N. Fourth Street 3rd Fl-0135
Email: mnovak@cemail.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2616. -
Pesek, Joseph: Professor Chemistry
Phone: 408-924-4950 Bldg/Room/Zip: DH 501-0101
Email: pesek@51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-4945. -
Poole, Dorothy: Director of Quality Improvement/Special Assistant Vice President for
Administration and Finance
Phone: 408-924-1524 Bldg/Room/Zip: SSC 535-0006
Email: dorothy.poole@51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-1515. -
Roe, Kathleen: Professor, Health Science
Phone 408-924-2976, Bldg/Room/Zip: MH 407-0052
Email: kmroe@casa.51rkb.com, Fax: 408-924-2979 -
Rose, Marshall: Associate Vice President Enrollment Services
Phone: 408-924-2550 Bldg/Room/Zip: SSC 325-0011
Email: marshall.rose@51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2050. -
Saffold, ST.: Associate Vice President for Campus Life Vice President for Student
Phone: 408-924-1164 Bldg/Room/Zip: ADM 218-0031
Email: ssaffold@51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-5883 -
Shifflett, Bethany: Professor Human Performance
Phone: 408-924-3016 Bldg/Room/Zip: SPXC 216A-0054 Email: bshiffle@email.51rkb.com
Email: bshifflett@geolog.com Fax: 408-924-3053. -
Sigler, Carmen: Dean Humanities & The Arts, College of
Phone: 408-924-4300 Bldg/Room/Zip: WSQ 120-0088
Email: msigler@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-4365. -
Stacks, Pamela: Professor & Chair Chemistry
Phone: 408-924-5003 Bldg/Room/Zip: DH 518-0101
Email: pstacks@jupiter.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-4945. -
Sutton, Laura: Administrative Assistant Aerospace Studies (AFROTC)
Phone: 408-924-2929 Bldg/Room/Zip: IS 223 - 0051
Email: lsutton@casa.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-2962 -
Von Till, Beth: Director of Communication Studies Lab; Lecturer Communication Studies
Phone: 408-924-5384 Bldg/Room/Zip: HGH 216-0112
Email: mvontill@email.51rkb.com Fax: 408-924-5396 -
Yarnold, Dave: Executive Editor San Jose Mercury News
Phone: 408-920-5254
Email: DYarnold@sjmercury.com